knitting · podcast · Uncategorized

Episode 351: Finishing Socktober Strong

Welcome to Episode 351! Thanks to everyone for leaving such nice comments on my last episode – make sure you watch until the end to find out who won the giveaway! I’ve also got some FOs, WIPs plans for my next cast ons! Knitting: Finished: Askews Me Sweater by Stephen West, Zen Yarn Garden Nightshade Worsted in Gia… Continue reading Episode 351: Finishing Socktober Strong

knitting · podcast · spinning

Episode 349: Welcome to Sleeve Island

Welcome to Episode 349! No finished objects today but I’ve hit a bunch of fun milestones. Most notable, I’ve finished the body of the Askews Me sweater – sleeve island here I come! I’ve also got an almost finished shawl, and lots of socks in progress or waiting to be cast on. And best yet,… Continue reading Episode 349: Welcome to Sleeve Island