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Drink Me: Tehörnan, Maja Gräddnos

About a month or so ago I had the privilege of doing an exchange with a knitter in Sweden. We exchanged local yarns and local teas. She sent me a delightful blend from Tehörnan called Maja Gräddnos.  I couldn’t find this exact tea on the site, but I did note that they had a variety of other wonderful looking teas.

With the help of Google Translate, the label on the package says the Maja blend contains black tea, strawberry, black currants, and vanilla.

The blend Maja, according to my Swedish friend, is named for a cartoon cat, Maja.

The tea is a delightfully berry flavored black tea. I added just a bit of sugar and it’s sweet but not overpowering. This is definitely one I will savor for some time to come, my own little piece of Sweden.

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