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Knit Night: Can I WIP it?

So I took April to work on projects that had been languishing by the wayside. I’m happy to report that I have been doing pretty well on that mission.  But…I still haven’t finished anything. And as the end of the month looms, I don’t know if I’m actually going to finish any WIPs this month.

I have been making great progress on my Banana Leaf Shawl by Yuki Ueda knit in Northbound Knitting BFL/Silk Lace in Metallurgy.  This one has been surprisingly enjoyable to knit and I’ve been using a progress keeper (detachable stitch marker) to track my weekly progress.  At last count I had about 40g left of yarn. I’ve decided that I need to start the end of the shawl when I hit about 18g or so left, so soon it will be time to do something different. I’m not sure I’ll have it done quite by the end of the month, but I’m hoping a car trip at the beginning of May will finish this one off.  Here’s where it was at as of last night:

Banana Leaf

I finished my Wolf River on Saturday, so I immediately picked up my mom’s memory blanket, which I showed you last week.  I have one more square left to finish the 10th set – meaning 100 squares on the blanket. I should be able to crank that one out when I get home tonight, which leaves me with 21 squares, a border, and weaving in ends. You see why this one is a squeaker?  Add to that the fact that I’m struggling to find new variegated yarns to incorporate. This week I’m breaking into new balls of yarn and winding off my 10g for a square here and there. I must be mad!  I do have the yarn for the border handy so I can start on that as soon as I finish my squares.

I did finish my Wolf River by Melissa Schaschwary, but I haven’t blocked it yet so I have no new photos.  Look at last week’s photo and imagine a second sleeve?

Then it’s time to consider new projects! Watch this space next week for my May knits; I have a shawl planned, a second sock, and a sweater for Roxy.  And maybe a few more WIPs?

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