knitting · podcast · socks · spinning

Episode 418: Needles empty? Not for long!

Welcome to episode 418! This week my needle are almost empty. Well they were, but I cast on a new shawl. I’ve got the finished Linientreu and a pair of socks to show you, and I’m about to cast on a sweater with my yarn from Norway. Plus there’s a spin in progress. I hope… Continue reading Episode 418: Needles empty? Not for long!



Late last year the knitting community was swept up in the craze of the Find Your Fade shawl by Andrea Mowry.  I’m not exactly sure what makes the shawl so appealing: the amazingly fun use of yarns in a gradient, the unusual shape, the interplay of garter stitch and a simple lace pattern.  All I… Continue reading Fade.