
TDF 2016 – the final wrapup

When I last left off I had just finished the singles for Velvet Waistcoat from Owl About Yarn.  The final measurements were 3.4oz and 306yds and this one is available in the shop.

Next up on the wheel I decided to spin the black Shetland from the sampler pack.

I ended up with 2.2 oz and 165 yds.

My final spin for the tour was a braid of Polwarth from Hello Yarn called Millennium Hand and Shrimp. It was actually a prize that I won from TDF 2015, so it felt great to get it on the wheel.

When all was said and done, this one came out to 4.1oz and 397yds.

And that was a wrap on my tour. I put together a collage of all my spins and a few stats for you:

TDF 2016 came in at 27.9 oz and 2,507 yds.

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