
Drink Me: Tea Runners, Moonlight Jasmine

Whoops! I fell off the tea bandwagon there for a few Fridays, but I’m endeavoring to catch up.

Another lovely selection in my last Tea Runners box was Moonlight Jasmine courtesy of Rishi Tea.

From the website, Moonlight Jasmine contains green tea and jasmine blossoms.

It is available in a variety of sizes: Teaser for $2.00, a Quarter Pound for $45.00 and 250g for $80.00.

As I’ve said before, I LOVE Jasmine tea. In general I’m not a huge fan of florals, but something about Jasmine gets me every time.  I was delighted to try this one from the moment I opened the package until the last sip.  The green tea was smooth and fresh tasting, not grassy at all.  And the Jasmine was almost like an afternote – I got the taste mostly as I was swallowing. It wasn’t as strong as some teas I’ve tried, but it was light and perfect. I plan on brewing a large pitcher of it iced to keep me going through the summer and I’ll definitely be ordering more of this one!

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