knitting · podcast · spinning

Episode 335, Gone Spinnin’

Welcome to Episode 335. I’ve made some progress on my sweaters, but now I’m all about spinning in the Tour! Of course, a new month starts this week, so by the next episode I’ll have new knits on the needles to share. Have a lovely week!



Tour de Fleece has started! Oil your wheels, draft your fiber and let’s spin. This year you can participate pretty much anywhere. I started a Facebook group, you can tag your photos on Instagram with #teamckt2021, or you can participate in the Ravelry thread I started. If none of those work for you, you can also email me and let me know you’re on the team! There will be prizes (I’ll draw from chatty posts on all platforms) and there will be a grand prize at the end. Join us and SPIN!

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