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Episode 387: Another week, another chicken.

Welcome back to episode 387! Today’s podcast is a short one as I only have a few things to share. I’ve been super busy which means not as much time for knitting, but I’ve got two WIPs and a finished spin. Thanks for joining me! Sipping: Harney & Sons, Heirloom Bartlett Pear Knitting: In progress:… Continue reading Episode 387: Another week, another chicken.

knitting · podcast · spinning

Episode 383: Getting back in the swing of it.

Welcome back to episode 383! I’m sorry for my absence – travel and getting ill has taken up the last few weeks, but I do have some crafting to share. And of course it’s the best time of the year – Tour de Fleece! Sipping: Yogi Tea, Egyptian Licorice Knitting: In progress: Cinnamon by Elena Nodel, Dream… Continue reading Episode 383: Getting back in the swing of it.

knitting · podcast · spinning

Episode 376, Me Made May

Welcome to episode 376. Today I’ve got all the creative juices flowing. I’ve just finished 2 big projects, cast on a few little ones and I’m pondering my next cast-ons. I’m also enjoy me-made May, the stormy weather, my upcoming birthday and more! Sipping: Tea Embassy, Capital Blend Knitting: Finished: Ten Stitch Blanket by Frankie… Continue reading Episode 376, Me Made May

knitting · podcast · spinning

Episode 375, Ply Away Recap

Welcome to episode 375. Today I’m a little discombobulated…. I have a Ply Away recap (and purchases) to share, plus work on my WIPs and a new project. And I’m re-energized to do lots of spinning! Sipping: Harney & Sons, Heirloom Bartlett Pear Knitting: In progress: Ten Stitch Blanket by Frankie Brown, Zen Yarn Garden Nightshade Worsted… Continue reading Episode 375, Ply Away Recap

podcast · spinning

The Corner of Knit & Tea: Episode 143, And then there were prizes.

Welcome to episode 143! Today’s a fun one because I announce prize winners for the Sock-a-long and get started on Tour de Fleece! Some socks and other wips to show, and lots of prizes. Please come and join the Ravelry group. You can also find me on Ravelry as Fluffyk, Twitter, Instagram as Fluffykira, and in my shop The… Continue reading The Corner of Knit & Tea: Episode 143, And then there were prizes.